徐冲,能源经济与环境政策研究所,讲师,硕士生导师。研究方向为气候变化与可持续发展、效率与生产率分析和公共政策评估。已在Energy Economics、Applied Energy、Scientific Data、《中国工业经济》等主流SCI、SSCI和CSSCI期刊发表论文30余篇,其中多篇入选ESI高被引论文。近年来主持和参与项目多项,参编研究生教材1部。研究成果入选中国内地(2010年至2020年)在“经济学和商学”领域282份高被引文章(英文)名单(2篇),获888集团电子网址2019年度优秀科研成果奖、Scientific Reports2022年“Top 100 Earth, Environment and Ecology Scientific Papers”,研究成果被The Conversation、Carbon Brief等国内外多家媒体报道。教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心论文评审专家,担任多本国际期刊编辑、客座编辑及20余份国际知名期刊审稿人。所撰写的政策咨询报告获中共中央办公厅、四川省委办公厅采纳并获肯定性批示。
2012/09—2016/06 贵州大学 经济专业 学士
2016/09—2019/06 888集团电子网址 财政学专业 硕士
2019/09—2022/06 888集团电子网址 公共经济制度与政策专业 博士
2022/07-至今 888集团电子游戏官网 讲师
博士研究生课程:《绿色经济发展理论》、《劳动经济理论前沿》、《发展经济学前沿问题研究》、《研究生博士阶段核心研究方法 (学术写作能力、R与GIS应用)》、《公共经济及政策研究方法》
Xu, C., Qin, Z., Chen, J.* Zheng J. (2024). Heterogeneous technology-induced global CO2 emission reduction and emission forecasting since the Kyoto era. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1). Forthcoming.
Xu, C., Li, Z., Chen, B.*, Yang, Q, An J. (2024). Low-carbon development in China’s transportation sector: Multidimensional characteristics and policy implications. Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1). 289, 129950.
Xu, C., Yang. F, Zhou, B., Xu, Y., Jiang, J., Chen, X., & Song, M*. (2024). Total-factor CO2 performance in China’s construction sector: Spatiotemporal trend, driver and future pathway. Environmental Impact Assessment Review (SCI; JCR: Q1). 104, 107346.
Xu, C., Li, J., Chen, J.*, Yang, Q. (2023). Air pollution in heterogenous Chinese cities: complex network, novel driver and decoupling nexus. Ecological Indicators (SCI; JCR: Q1).156,111077.
Li, Z., Chen, X., Qi, J., Xu, C., An, J., Chen, J.* (2023). Accuracy assessment of land cover products in China from 2000 to 2020. Scientific Reports (SCI; JCR: Q1; Nature Portfolio Journal), 13, 12936.
Xu, C., Xu, Y., Chen, J., Huang, S., Zhou, B., & Song, M*. (2023). Spatio-temporal efficiency of fiscal environmental expenditure in reducing CO2 emissions in China’s cities. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 334, 117479.
Xu, C.* (2023). Towards balanced low-carbon development: driver and complex network of urban-rural energy-carbon performance gap in China. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1). 333, 120663.
Xu, C.* (2023). Economic inequality and carbon inequality: Multi-evidence from China's cities and counties. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 327, 116871.
Xu, C., Wang, B., Chen, J., Shen, Z., Song, M.*, & An, J. (2022). Carbon inequality in China: Novel drivers and policy driven scenario analysis. Energy Policy (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 170, 113259.
Xu, C.*, Wang, B., & Chen, J. (2022). Forest carbon sink in China: Linked drivers and long short-term memory network-based prediction. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI; JCR: Q1), 359, 132085.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Huang, S., Shen, Z., Song, M.*, & Wang, S. (2022). Adjusted carbon intensity in China: Trend, driver and network. Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 251, 123916.
Chen, J#., Xu, C#., Gao, M., & Li, D.* (2022). Carbon peak and its mitigation implications for China in the post-pandemic era. Scientific Reports (SCI; JCR: Q1; # equal contribution, Nature Portfolio Journal), 12(1), 1-16. (Top 100 Earth, Environment and Ecology Scientific Papers in 2022)
Chen, J., Xu, C., & Song, M.* (2022). Towards sustainable development: Distribution effect of carbon-food nexus in Chinese cities. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 309, 118470.
Chen, B., Xu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., Song, M.*, & Shen, Z.* (2022). Spatiotemporal carbon emissions across the spectrum of Chinese cities: Insights from socioeconomic characteristics and ecological capacity. Journal of Environmental Management (SCI; JCR: Q1), 306, 114510. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
Chen, J., Liu, J., Qi, J., Gao, M., Cheng, S.*, Li, K., & Xu, C. (2022). City-and county-level spatio-temporal energy consumption and efficiency datasets for China from 1997 to 2017. Scientific Data (SCI; JCR: Q1, Nature Portfolio Journal), 9(1), 1-16.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., & Song, M.* (2022). Drivers and trajectories of China’s renewable energy consumption. Annals of Operations Research (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 313(1), 441-459.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Wang, Y., Li, D., & Song, M.* (2021). Carbon neutrality based on vegetation carbon sequestration for China's cities and counties: Trend, inequality and driver. Resources Policy (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 74, 102403.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Shahbaz, M., & Song, M.* (2021). Interaction determinants and projections of China’s energy consumption: 1997–2030. Applied Energy (SCI; JCR: Q1), 283, 116345.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Xie, Q., & Song, M.* (2020). Net primary productivity‐based factors of China's carbon intensity: a regional perspective. Growth and Change (SSCI; JCR: Q2), 51(4), 1727-1748.
Xu, C.* (2020). Determinants of carbon inequality in China from static and dynamic perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production (SCI; JCR: Q1), 277, 123286.
Chen, J., Xu, C., & Song, M.* (2020). Determinants for decoupling economic growth from carbon dioxide emissions in China. Regional Environmental Change (SCI; JCR: Q2), 20(1), 1-12.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Song, M.*, Xie, Q., & Liu, X. (2020). Regional disparities and influencing factors for carbon productivity change in China’s transportation industry. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (SCI; JCR: Q1), 14(8), 579-590.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Managi, S., & Song, M.* (2019). Energy-carbon performance and its changing trend: an example from China’s construction industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (SCI; JCR: Q1), 145, 379-388.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Cui, L., Huang, S., & Song, M.* (2019) Driving factors of CO2 emission and inequality character in China: A combined decomposition approach. Energy Economics (SCI/SSCI; JCR: Q1), 78, 589-597. (ESI Highly Cited Paper,入选中国内地(2010年至2020年)在“经济学和商学”领域282份高被引文章(英文)名单)
Chen, J., Wu, Y., Xu, C., Song, M.*, & Liu, X. (2019) Global non-fossil fuel consumption: Driving factors, disparities, and trends. Management Decision (SSCI; JCR: Q1), 57(4), 791-810. (ESI Highly Cited Paper,入选中国内地(2010年至2020年)在“经济学和商学”领域282份高被引文章(英文)名单)
Chen, J., Xu, C., Li, K., & Song, M.* (2018). A gravity model and exploratory spatial data analysis of prefecture-scale pollutant and CO2 emissions in China. Ecological Indicators (SCI; JCR: Q1), 90, 554-563.
Chen, J., Xu, C., Song, M.*, & Liu, X. (2018). Driving factors of China’s energy productivity and its spatial character: Evidence from 248 cities. Ecological Indicators (SCI; JCR: Q1), 90, 18-27.
吴茵茵*,徐冲,陈建东. 不完全竞争市场中差异化环保税影响效应研究[J]. 中国工业经济,2019,(05):43-60.
4.2021/04,2021年国际气候与金融会议, 厦门
2022年,Scientific Reports2022年“Top 100 Earth, Environment and Ecology Scientific Papers”
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications、Energy Economics、Resources, Conservation & Recycling、Journal of Cleaner Production、 China Economic Review、Resources Policy、Journal of Environmental Planning and Management、Management of Environmental Quality、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health、International Review of Economics and Finance、Environment, Development and Sustainability、Sustainability、Environmental Research等期刊匿名审稿人。