2014.09—2018.06 中南大学 劳动与社会保障 管理学学士
2018.09—2023.06 浙江大学 社会保障 管理学博士(直接攻博)
2023.07-至今 888集团电子游戏官网 讲师
Shi, J., Zhang, D., & Liu, X*. (2024). Intergenerational caregiving patterns and cognitive health among the sandwich generation within four-generation families. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, early access. (SSCI, JCR: Q3).
Shi, J., & Jiang, C*. (2024). Association between participation in adult education and subjective wellbeing among older adults: The mediating roles of social isolation and digital isolation and the moderating roles of educational level. Educational Gerontology, early access. (SSCI, JCR: Q4).
Shi, J., Ma, G., Liu, X.*, & Jin, Y. (2024). Social isolation and adolescents’ psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 epidemic: The mediating effect of loneliness and the moderating effect of resilience. Current Psychology, early access. (SSCI, JCR: Q2).
Shi, J., & Jiang, C*. (2024). Hope agency and hope pathways: Exploring the relationships between social class and subjective wellbeing in different age groups. Current Psychology, 43(12):11303–11313. (SSCI, JCR: Q2).
Shi, J., Liu, X.*, & Feng, Z*. (2023). Age-Friendly Cities and Communities and Cognitive Health among Chinese Older Adults: Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Studies. Cities, 132, 104072. (SSCI, JCR: Q1).
Jiang, C., & Shi, J*(通讯作者). (2024). The relationship between bullying victimization and problematic behaviors: A focus on the intrapersonal emotional competence and interpersonal social competence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 152, 106800. (SSCI, JCR: Q1).
Jiang, C., & Shi, J*(通讯作者). (2024). Community violence, perceived neighborhood quality, collectivism and Children’s life satisfaction: A cross-national perspective. Child Indicators Research, 17(2), 509-524. (SSCI, JCR: Q2).
Jiang, C., & Shi, J*(通讯作者). (2024). Money or time? the association between parental investment, school engagement and adolescent behavioral problem. Children and Youth Services Review, 157, 107391. (SSCI, JCR: Q1).
Jiang, C., & Shi, J*(通讯作者). (2024). The long arm of childhood bullying victimization: Associations with social isolation, gender differences and depression in later life. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, early access. (SSCI, JCR: Q2).
史珈铭,刘晓婷*. 社会隔离对老年人认知功能的影响——有调节的链式中介效应. 心理科学,2022,45(05): 1182-1189. (CSSCI).
史珈铭,刘晓婷*. 代际支持与老年人的抑郁症状:老化态度的中介作用与城乡因素的调节作用. 心理科学, 2024, 47. (CSSCI).
史珈铭, 赵书松*, 吴俣含. 精神型领导对员工职业呼唤的影响——自我决定理论视角的研究. 经济管理,2018,40(12): 138-152. 被中国人民大学书报资料中心复印报刊资料《企业管理研究》2019年04期全文转载. (CSSCI).
史珈铭,刘晓婷*. 老年人社区康复服务需求及其影响因素. 中国康复理论与实践, 2021, 27(03): 334-340. (CSCD).
冯志昕,史珈铭(通讯作者),蒋潮鑫,德吉卓玛. 互联网使用对老年人抑郁症状的影响:社会网络的中介作用与城乡因素的调节作用. 心理科学, 2024, 47(01): 161-169. (CSSCI).
Jiang, C., Chow, J. C., Zhou, L., Song, H., & Shi, J. (2023). Community support, social isolation and older adults’ life satisfaction: evidence from a national survey in China. Aging and Mental Health, early access. (SSCI, JCR: Q2).
Jiang, C., Song, H., & Shi, J. (2023). The impact of widowhood on mental health of older adults. Geriatric Nursing, 50, 38. (SSCI, JCR: Q1).
赵书松, 吴俣含, 史珈铭. 仁慈型领导与员工追随力——一个有调节的中介作用模型. 珞珈管理评论,2020,(03):54-70. (CSSCI集刊).
张登皓, 史珈铭. 推动家庭保障可持续发展:实现“老有所养”和“幼有所育”. 社会科学报, 2022年2月24日第2版. (地方性报纸).
生活无着精神障碍者精准救助的协同治理体系研究. 2021年全国民政政策理论研究二等奖,颁奖单位:国家民政部.
共同富裕背景下基本养老服务体系的建构与评估研究. 2022年全国民政政策理论研究二等奖、2022年浙江省民政政策理论研究一等奖, 颁奖单位:国家民政部、浙江省民政厅.
shijiaming1996@zju.edu.cn, shijm@swufe.edu.cn